Training Courses I have attended
Over the years as part of my being a mother and to increase my awareness of my son’s autism and disability as well a parenting, I started attending various and many courses, workshops, seminars, trainings over the last few years.
Some of the courses attended:
- Triple P Parenting – Primary
- Triple P Parenting – Teenage
- 123 Magic
- Safeguarding
- Special Educational Needs Statementing
- Person Centred Planning
- Siblings and Special Educational Needs
- Epi-pen training
- Diet and Autism
- Sensory Integration
- Mental Capacity Act
- Exclusions
- Autism and Challenging Behaviours
- Tony Attwood Seminar
- Peter Vereulem Seminar
- Education and Health Care Plans
- and many, many more that I cannot remember at the moment!
I have made copious amount of notes and I am in the process of typing them out and creating PDF documents for all my readers to download and possibly learn from and increase their knowledge and awareness of special educational needs.
So please bear with me and watch this space!